Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Your Favorite Meal Made Over


Written by Dr. Steven Sisskind MD | 9 Comments

Today I want to introduce you to Lori Grisham, one of our Healthy Life Coaches. Lori is going to show you a substitution trick that has helped one of our customers and his wife lose a combined total of 40 pounds.

Steven Sisskind, M.D.


One of my coaching secrets is helping customers understand that just about any favorite recipe can be transformed into a healthier choice.

My three rules for recipe makeovers?

Swap ingredients to:

  • Banish the empty calories
  • Boost the nutrition
  • Let the flavors shine through

Swapping out unhealthy ingredients for healthier ones can sometimes seem overwhelming.…Read More…

Monday, June 9, 2014

Steady-State Cardio vs. High-Intensity Intervals… Which is Better?


Written by Dr. Steven Sisskind MD | 10 Comments

Steady Cardio exercise are great for beginners.

A question that comes up over and over from our customers is: Which is better for overall fat burning, steady state cardio or high intensity interval training (or HIIT)?

I decided in order to get the best answer to this question, I’d ask nationally-recognized fitness expert, Leslie Sansone. For 25 years, Leslie has been teaching folks of all ages how to get fit, stay fit and feel better about life with her Walk at Home program. Here’s my conversation with her:

Dr.… Read More…

posted by Von Bro’

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Metabolism: What Is it and Can You Make it Over?


Written by Dr. Steven Sisskind MD | 11 Comments

“We all have questions about metabolism. Among our most burning… what is it, why some people’s seem faster than others and how we can speed up our own?
So I decided to interview a legend in the field, David Katz, MD, MPH. Dr. Katz is not only the author of Disease Proof, The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well, he’s also the director of the Yale University Prevention Center. And he’s the editor in chief of the journal Childhood Obesity and the author of nearly 200 scientific articles and textbook chapters.Read More..”

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Research has shown leptin is only one of the hormones that affects your body’s ability to lose weight, and keep it off.

“FACT: Research has shown leptin is only one of the hormones that affects your body’s ability to lose weight, and keep it off. However, It’s NOT the most important hormone for fat loss.Discover which hormone you really want to increase if truly want to benefit from a proper exercise and diet plan. (see clinical research below) -- Watch the exclusive video presentation below..more


The Most Fattening Words on a Menu

Written by Dr. Steven Sisskind MD | 2 Comments

Careful what you order. Healthy words on the menu does not necessarily equate to a healthy meal.

One of the finer pleasures in life is dining out. Letting someone else do the cooking and serving, not to mention the cleaning, can be a welcome treat after a busy day.

And Americans are taking advantage! There are almost a million restaurants in the United States, and on average, this country eats out about five times in a week according to the National Restaurant Association.

But there’s a downside to all this dining out. It can be dangerous for your diet.… Read More…


Check out what real users have to say about the Venus Factor.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

It’s the only system for you...


“Now, you may believe a one of a kind system that delivers all of this will be extremely expensive.

And truth be told, it really should be considering the countless hundreds of women it’s transformed so quickly when nothing else worked. And of course when my hourly consulting fee for the biggest supplement companies in the world is over $500.00 it’s only natural to think a system that I’ve poured years of my life into creating might be unaffordable.  However, it’s not. I only felt right by making The Venus Factor affordable for every woman that needs to lose weight so don’t worry. I’ll get to the price in just a moment.”….(e. g.  http://nitram007.venusind.hop.clickbank.net/?lid=3&tid=venusfactor )

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

And now what women find most remarkable:

And now what women find most remarkable:

“The groundbreaking Venus Factor Virtual Nutritionist that shows you exactly what to eat and when for the next 12 weeks to disintegrate fat from your problem areas. Your Virtual Nutritionist is designed to help make every 10 pounds you lose look like 20 by burning fat from where you visually need to most.

As you can probably tell, The Venus Factor was developed to take female fat loss to another level. And fast. In fact, hundreds of women report inches vanishing from their problem areas within weeks and they have the startling pictures you’re seeing to prove it...

...which is amazing considering they’re experiencing these rapid results while still enjoying their favorite foods like pizza, pasta, ice cream, and chocolate at the perfect times to accelerate female fat loss.”…(e. g. http://www.venusfactor.com/venus-factor-system/)



“Now look, before we go any further, it’s important for me to be 100% honest and upfront with you.

If you’re looking for that magic weight loss answer, or if you just want this week’s celebrity fad diet... or some gimmick deep down you already know will never work, The Venus Factor is not for you.

The Venus Factor is only for Women that are ready to put down the gimmick answers in order to follow a proven, flavorful step by step system for lifelong weight loss.

So, if you want the real answer to permanent, female weight loss...

...and if you want to get the bikini body you desire without damaging your metabolism, or spending endless hours in the gym and sacrificing your favorite foods or red wine to do it, then The Venus Factor isn’t just “a system” for you...”..(e. g.http://nitram007.venusind.hop.clickbank.net/?lid=3&tid=venusfactor )

Monday, June 2, 2014

female metabolism continued.

“First, I’d like you to introduce you to someone I’m very proud of, my sister Lisa because to be perfectly honest, she is the real reason I was even studying the female metabolism so passionately in the first place.

You see, Lisa has always been one of the most important women in my life. Ever since we were kids she’s always looked out for me and has been there for me when I needed anything. She really is the best sister a brother could ask for. And when my sister reached out to me for help with her weight, I felt like the worst failure in the world when I couldn’t help her.

You see, none of my degrees, experience or world class certifications gave me what I needed to help Lisa achieve the true, long term weight loss she deserved the way I’ve been fortunate enough to have been able to do for thousands of men across the globe including myself with the cutting edge programs I’ve authored.

And to see my sister whom I absolutely adore suffer with her health and negative self-image issues because of her weight was heart-breaking. It got to the point she seemed ashamed to even order food at restaurants. Yet, I sincerely believed with all of my heart if she could solve her weight problem, it would positively affect every part of her life and relationships like it did for me.

Lisa after her weight loss,
weighing 147 lbs

Now our family comes from a long line of “bad genetics” and I know exactly what it feels like to hate the overweight reflection looking back in the bathroom mirror. And I would have given anything to have what worked for me work for Lisa. But it didn’t. And after Lisa had my niece Paige, things got even worse for her. She was tipping the scales at 210 pounds, which at 5 foot 1, was dangerously unhealthy... and emotionally she was totally depressed because she thought she had tried everything.

I remember it was a Monday afternoon, almost 2 years after Lisa had Paige, when I stumbled upon research leading to female fat loss loopholes unlike anything I’d ever imagined. Loopholes that would ultimately allow Lisa to permanently shed a breathtaking 53 pounds of undesirable body fat and drop 12 dress sizes in just 5 months!

However, as impressive as that was, what stands out the most to her family and friends is that her physical transformation led to a personal transformation that finally enabled her to live as the confident, proud, beautiful woman we always saw her to be.”(e. g. http://nitram007.venusind.hop.clickbank.net/?lid=3&tid=venusfactor )

Sunday, June 1, 2014





With Food Lovers Online, you're not going to have to give up favorite foods to lose weight. Instead, you'll eat the foods you love — the very same foods you already eat now — in combinations that work with your metabolism to burn away excess fat and help you lose weight.

The Food Lovers Menu Planner tool makes it easy to eat the foods you love and lose weight. Here's how it works:

  • Tell us which foods you can't live without & which ones you never want to eat
  • Get customized menus each week based on your food preferences
  • Eat perfect Fat Loss Plates at every meal with NO guesswork
  • Lose weight eating only foods you love & never eat a single food you don't like
Try It Now FREE*

……….female metabolism continued.

In a nutshell, a little tidbit about me you may not already know:

“In the last 10 years, if you’ve taken any effective supplement by any of the world’s biggest brand names, chances are you’ve seen my work.

Now before you start thinking this tip has something to do with a supplement, let me stop you right there because it doesn’t.

I only mention this because I discovered this unique tip during the time I was consulting for the company that makes the number one selling weight loss supplement in the world for Women.

I was doing extensive research on female metabolism when
I stumbled upon something so shocking, and so ground-
breaking that I knew it could help make fat burning easier for
women forever…”(e. g. http://nitram007.venusind.hop.clickbank.net/?lid=3&tid=venusfactor )

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dramatically increasing your female metabolism.


If you begin using this somewhat unusual tip starting today you can literally expect to drop some dress sizes inside of a week, which I know may sound hard to believe to you like it did to all of these women that have done it using this tip, but I promise it’s not so just keep reading.

You’ll also see how this breakthrough allows you to strategically eat the foods want, and still experience the slimmest, sexiest waistline of your life. Also, you’ll also learn which common foods deemed as “healthy” can make losing a single pound virtually impossible for women.

“Now I totally get it if you think you’ve heard and tried it all when it comes to dieting and weight loss but I completely guarantee you’ve NEVER seen anything like this before and I promise you’re about to be absolutely amazed.”…(e. g. http://www.venusfactor.com/venus-factor-system/ )

Listen, before we go any further let me assure you this not about  silly exercise machines, cardio,
restrictive or pre-packaged diets, or whatever fad pill the diet industry is talking about these days. This is
something completely cutting-edge and you’re going to love it…..more

Thursday, May 29, 2014


"My husband is the envy of his friends for essentially getting a "new" wife in mid-life!"

Roberta Saum, Gold Run, California Vital Stats: Age 52, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 8" on waist, 10" on hips. I was so frustrated with not getting the body I wanted. It wasn't until I found Venus Factor that I finally reshaped my body. I wasn't very skeptical, which probably helped me to get started with the workouts, but there wasn't really anything to worry about anyway. I just did three months as a test drive and the results blew me away, I completely changed my body and my whole life. After doing the Venus program I realized that before I was doing almost everything wrong and way too complicated. I’m 50 and I’m in the leanness and best shape of my life. I’ so happy, I have never been happier.

"The Venus Factor program ensures you have all the tools you need to reach the best shape you have ever been in."

Janette Joly, Laval, Quebec Vital Stats: Age 54, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 11" on waist, 10" on hips.
I am so grateful to John who is an amazing guy by the way, he’s the type of trainer that a trainer like me looks up to. It’s important to understand that a complete program like this one is very hard to find and making things easier to do is essential for success when you’re too busy with your own life, let professionals like John, Brad and his team (yes their team because they are also FANTASTIC responding practically within the hour for any inquiries) ENSURE you have ALL the tools you need to reach the BEST SHAPE you have ever been in your entire life and your only responsibility is commit to JUST DO IT no excuses, not with a program like Venus Factor that works no questions asked as long as you do it.
This is only 2 of many examples of the use of this breakthrough weigh-loss system for women. To learn more and how to get started, go here