Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dramatically increasing your female metabolism.


If you begin using this somewhat unusual tip starting today you can literally expect to drop some dress sizes inside of a week, which I know may sound hard to believe to you like it did to all of these women that have done it using this tip, but I promise it’s not so just keep reading.

You’ll also see how this breakthrough allows you to strategically eat the foods want, and still experience the slimmest, sexiest waistline of your life. Also, you’ll also learn which common foods deemed as “healthy” can make losing a single pound virtually impossible for women.

“Now I totally get it if you think you’ve heard and tried it all when it comes to dieting and weight loss but I completely guarantee you’ve NEVER seen anything like this before and I promise you’re about to be absolutely amazed.”…(e. g. )

Listen, before we go any further let me assure you this not about  silly exercise machines, cardio,
restrictive or pre-packaged diets, or whatever fad pill the diet industry is talking about these days. This is
something completely cutting-edge and you’re going to love it…..more

Thursday, May 29, 2014


"My husband is the envy of his friends for essentially getting a "new" wife in mid-life!"

Roberta Saum, Gold Run, California Vital Stats: Age 52, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 8" on waist, 10" on hips. I was so frustrated with not getting the body I wanted. It wasn't until I found Venus Factor that I finally reshaped my body. I wasn't very skeptical, which probably helped me to get started with the workouts, but there wasn't really anything to worry about anyway. I just did three months as a test drive and the results blew me away, I completely changed my body and my whole life. After doing the Venus program I realized that before I was doing almost everything wrong and way too complicated. I’m 50 and I’m in the leanness and best shape of my life. I’ so happy, I have never been happier.

"The Venus Factor program ensures you have all the tools you need to reach the best shape you have ever been in."

Janette Joly, Laval, Quebec Vital Stats: Age 54, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 11" on waist, 10" on hips.
I am so grateful to John who is an amazing guy by the way, he’s the type of trainer that a trainer like me looks up to. It’s important to understand that a complete program like this one is very hard to find and making things easier to do is essential for success when you’re too busy with your own life, let professionals like John, Brad and his team (yes their team because they are also FANTASTIC responding practically within the hour for any inquiries) ENSURE you have ALL the tools you need to reach the BEST SHAPE you have ever been in your entire life and your only responsibility is commit to JUST DO IT no excuses, not with a program like Venus Factor that works no questions asked as long as you do it.
This is only 2 of many examples of the use of this breakthrough weigh-loss system for women. To learn more and how to get started, go here